4 Reasons To Take The Jump And Go Skydiving


Have you been wanting to go skydiving, but feel nervous about taking that first jump? If so, consider these reasons why you should take the plunge, so to speak.

You'll Never See A View Like To Do When Skydiving

One thing that cannot be appreciated about skydiving until you do it is the view. It's one thing to look out of a plane and see the landscape out your window, and it's another to be free falling through the sky and seeing the entire world around you. Experiencing that view for the first time can be something that gets you hooked on skydiving and makes you want to come back again.

You'll Cross It Off Your Bucket List

Everyone has a bucket list of things that they want to do in their lifetime, and skydiving is frequently one of them. While it is always something you can do later in life, it is best to do it when you are young and healthy so that you can fully appreciate the experience. Then you can always come back and do it again over the years more regularly if you truly enjoy it, rather than doing it only once.

You'll Have A Fun Story

Skydiving is not something that everyone does in their lifetime. By taking your first jump, you'll always have a story to tell about what it was like to go skydiving. There are plenty of details to share from the trip up in the plane, to stepping over the edge and free falling in the air. Some people may even feel envious that you were able to experience what it was like to go skydiving, and it may convince them to do it as well. You can also have some sweet pictures taken during your skydive that you can share on social media, which will be sure to get a ton of comments and likes.

You'll Be Safe

When you take your very first jump when skydiving, it will be a tandem dive with an instructor. This means that you'll have nothing to worry about in terms of safety and parachute deployment, since a professional is there to take care of it all for you. This gives you the ability to simply relax during the drive and take in the view, and not be concerned about the direction you are going or when to deploy your parachute. It means the learning curve is small and you can focus on enjoyment. 


13 October 2020

extreme sports that any thrill seeker will enjoy

My name is Alice Parker and welcome to my blog. When I married my husband, I was introduced to many new sports that I wasn't even aware existed. When we went on our honeymoon, we went skydiving, repelled from a mountain and went scuba diving with some of the most remarkable sea creatures I have ever seen. Those activities were just the start of our active life together. Over the past ten years, we have enjoyed so many heart-pumping thrills that I wouldn't give up for anything. Our blog contains several awesome extreme sports that any thrill seeker will enjoy.