Everything You Need to Know About Skydiving


If you are an adrenaline junkie or just trying to conquer a fear, you may be able to recite the infamous line from the 1991 cult classic Point Break:

"You're about to jump out of a perfectly good airplane, Johnny! How do you feel about that?"

Whether you're considering your first jump or you're a seasoned veteran, here's everything you need to know about skydiving.

What is skydiving?

Skydiving is the act of jumping out of an aircraft and free-falling through the sky before deploying a parachute to slow your descent. It's an extreme sport that has been growing in popularity in recent years, with almost 3.6 million jumps in 2021 across the United States alone.

Are there different types of skydiving?

There are many styles of skydiving, including:

  • Tandem. This is the most popular type of skydiving for first-time jumpers. You are attached to a certified instructor with a harness and can experience freefall without having to worry about operating the parachute.
  • Static line. A static line is attached to the aircraft and your parachute, so as you exit the plane, the parachute automatically deploys. This is also helpful for newer skydivers.
  • Formation. For skydivers with a little more experience, you can perform flips and other maneuvers in midair with a group of other jumpers. This is called formation diving.
  • Freeflying. This is the ultimate freedom in skydiving, as you are not attached to anyone else. You can fly horizontally, vertically, or do flips and other tricks before
  • Wingsuiting. Wingsuiting is a type of skydiving where you jump out of an airplane and fly through the sky using a wingsuit. You can reach higher speeds wingsuiting than you can with other styles of sky diving.

How do you get started skydiving?

The best way to start skydiving is to find a reputable drop zone and sign up for a tandem jump. This type of jump is perfect for first-time skydivers as you are attached to a certified instructor who will handle all the parachute packing and

What are the benefits of skydiving?

There are many benefits to skydiving, both mental and physical. For some, the adrenaline rush is addictive and can help to alleviate stress and anxiety. The mental benefits of skydiving can also include increased confidence and a sense of accomplishment.

If sky diving has always been a bucket list item for you, what are you waiting for? There are few things in life that can compare to the thrill of freefalling through the sky. Head to a local drop zone and sign up for your first jump today.


14 June 2022

extreme sports that any thrill seeker will enjoy

My name is Alice Parker and welcome to my blog. When I married my husband, I was introduced to many new sports that I wasn't even aware existed. When we went on our honeymoon, we went skydiving, repelled from a mountain and went scuba diving with some of the most remarkable sea creatures I have ever seen. Those activities were just the start of our active life together. Over the past ten years, we have enjoyed so many heart-pumping thrills that I wouldn't give up for anything. Our blog contains several awesome extreme sports that any thrill seeker will enjoy.